Paperless Board Meetings Software

Top 10 Paperless Board Meetings Software 2024

The world of business has evolved significantly in the recent years, and technology is helping us move away from paper-based processes. 

For companies wanting to optimize their operations, paperless board meetings software is becoming more and more important. 

In this post, we will look at the top 10 Paperless Board Meetings Software of 2024. We will see what features and benefits each software offers, helping you make an informed decision when choosing the right one for your business needs.

What is Paperless Board Meetings Software

Paperless board meetings software is a type of software that allows companies to conduct their board meetings electronically. This type of software offers many advantages over traditional paper-based methods.

One advantage of using paperless board meetings software is that it eliminates the need for physical documents, which can be cumbersome and time consuming to manage. All documents can be stored digitally in one secure location, allowing members to access them quickly and easily.

Additionally, the software also allows members to collaborate on documents in real-time, which can save time and money by eliminating the need for additional resources such as printers or couriers.

Another benefit of using paperless board meetings software is that it provides a secure platform for conducting confidential business discussions. All data is protected against unauthorized access and kept confidential thanks to digital encryption technology.

Furthermore, the software also provides an audit trail so that all actions taken during the meeting can be tracked and monitored. This helps ensure compliance with internal policies as well as external regulations.

Features of Paperless Board Meetings Software

Some of the features of a paperless board meetings software may include:

  • Agenda creation and distribution: It allows board administrators to create agendas and share them with board members in advance, ensuring that everyone is adequately prepared.
  • Document management: Software automates the process of uploading, storing, and sharing essential documents related to the board meeting. This includes materials such as meeting minutes, reports, agendas, and supporting documents.
  • Voting and decision-making: Members can easily vote remotely using the software, making it a convenient option for virtual meetings. This provides transparency and accountability.
  • Action item tracking: The software can track and assign action items and reminders to individual members for follow-up.

List of Best 10 Paperless Board Meetings Software

BoardPaq is an innovative paperless board meetings software that enables organizations to run more efficient, productive, and secure board meetings. This effective application has a number of features that make setting up and running board meetings easier. Some of the benefits of BoardPaq include the ability to create online agendas, upload documents in real-time, distribute materials securely and quickly, and track attendance.


  1. Convenience: With BoardPaq, board members can access all the materials they need for their meetings from anywhere at any time as long as they have an internet connection. It allows members to view and download meeting agendas, minutes, and other records through their smartphones, tablets, or laptops.
  2. Security: BoardPaq uses encryption technologies to ensure that confidential documents are secure and only accessible to authorized users.
  3. Time-saving: BoardPaq eliminates the need for printing and mailing paper documents, which saves time and resources. It automates the distribution of materials and notifications to all the members, reminding them of the upcoming meeting.
  4. Efficient: With BoardPaq, meetings can be conducted more efficiently since board members can access materials in advance and prepare for them. Board members can use the software to vote, approve, and sign documents electronically.
  5. Sustainability: BoardPaq is an eco-friendly solution that helps reduce the environmental impact of traditional paper-based meetings.


  1. Cost: BoardPaq charges a monthly or yearly subscription fee, which can be expensive for small organizations.
  2. Learning curve: Members may require some training to navigate the software, especially if they have limited experience with technology.
  3. Limited Compatibility: BoardPaq is designed to work with specific operating systems and web browsers, which could limit its compatibility with some devices.
  4. Tech support: Sometimes, members may require technical support to resolve issues with the software, and this can be difficult to achieve when support staff is not readily available.
  5. Limited features: BoardPaq may not have all the features needed for complex meetings, such as video conferencing, and large-format document sharing.

BoardEffect Paperless Board Meetings Software is a cloud-based platform that enables organizations to conduct board meetings seamlessly and paperlessly. The software allows users to create and distribute board meeting agendas, documents, and minutes effortlessly through an intuitive interface. With BoardEffect, board members can access materials from any device, at any time, making it easy for them to stay engaged in the decision-making process.


  1. Time-saving: BoardEffect saves a lot of time by eliminating the need for paper-based systems, including printing, mailing, and organizing meetings.
  2. Convenience: BoardEffect provides a convenient way to access meeting documents, agenda items, and other important information from anywhere and at any time.
  3. Collaboration: BoardEffect promotes collaboration among board members by providing a platform for sharing ideas, comments, and feedback.
  4. Security & privacy: BoardEffect is a secure platform that provides complete privacy for the board members. All sensitive information is encrypted, and access is strictly monitored.
  5. Cost-effective: BoardEffect is a cost-effective solution that eliminates the need for printing and mailing paper-based materials.


  1. Technical issues: Technical glitches, such as login problems or slow internet speed, could occur, causing delays in meetings.
  2. A learning curve: BoardEffect may require some time and effort to get familiar with its software.
  3. Dependence on technology: BoardEffect is a technology-based solution that requires all board members to be proficient in the use of technology.
  4. Data loss: BoardEffect might face the risk of data loss in the case of a data breach or system failure.
  5. Limited customization: BoardEffect might have limited customization options, limiting the unique needs of different boards.

Diligent Paperless Board Meetings software is a digital platform designed specifically for organizing and managing board meetings. It is designed to make board meetings more efficient and productive by providing a secure platform for board members to access meeting materials, collaborate, and make decisions.


  1. Security: Diligent software is highly secure and provides end-to-end encryption to ensure that all documents and communications remain confidential.
  2. Accessibility: Board members can access the software from any mobile device or computer, giving them the ability to stay connected and participate in meetings from anywhere.
  3. Collaboration: Diligent software allows for easy collaboration between board members and senior management, helping to streamline the decision-making process.
  4. Saves time: The software saves time by eliminating the need for physical paperwork and other administrative tasks associated with conducting traditional board meetings.
  5. Cost-effective: Diligent software eliminates the need for printing, shipping, and storing physical board materials, resulting in significant cost savings.


  1. Learning curve: New users may need some time to adjust to the software, and training may be required.
  2. Technical difficulties: Technical glitches may occur, which could cause delays and interruptions during meetings.
  3. Limited customization: The software offers just a small number of modification possibilities, which may not be adequate for the requirements of many organizations.
  4. Reliance on technology: Diligent software depends a lot on technology, which could present problems if there are any connectivity or security difficulties.
  5. Additional costs: Some additional features, such as custom branding and enhanced security, may come with additional costs.

OnBoard paperless board meetings software is a powerful tool that simplifies the task of hosting board meetings. It has been designed specifically for organizations looking to streamline their board meetings and reduce their reliance on cumbersome paper-based systems. With OnBoard, everything from creating meeting agendas to sharing reports and documents can be done digitally, making it easier than ever before to conduct efficient and productive boardroom sessions.


  1. Simple to use: Even for non-techies, OnBoard is incredibly user-friendly and straightforward.
  2. Saves time and effort: OnBoard eliminates the need for manual paper-based processes, which saves time and effort.
  3. Secure and confidential: OnBoard ensures secure and highly confidential data storage, sharing, and communication.
  4. Enhanced collaboration: OnBoard allows board members to collaborate and communicate easily and effectively, even when they are not physically present in the meeting.
  5. Customization: To satisfy the specific requirements of various boards and organizations, OnBoard provides a variety of customization possibilities.


  1. Cost: Cost is a major drawback for OnBoard, especially for smaller organizations with tighter budgets.
  2. Technical issues: OnBoard can sometimes have technical issues or glitches that can disrupt meetings or slow down processes.
  3. Connectivity issues: OnBoard requires a stable internet connection, which can be a limitation when using it in remote or rural areas with poor connectivity.
  4. Learning curve: Although OnBoard is user-friendly, there is still a learning curve for new users to get used to the software.
  5. Limited device compatibility: OnBoard may not be compatible with all devices, which can limit accessibility for some board members or stakeholders.


Boardable Paperless Board Meetings Software is a revolutionary software that offers an unparalleled platform for conducting board meetings without the need for paper. It offers a safe and effective method for managing all of your board meetings, agendas, and papers in one location. With this software, you can easily streamline your board communication process while reducing administrative workloads.


  1. Easy to Use: Boardable is designed with a simple interface, making it easy for users to navigate and perform tasks.
  2. Paperless Meetings: Boardable eliminates the need for physical copies of documents, reducing paper usage and increasing environmental sustainability.
  3. Collaboration Features: Boardable allows users to collaborate on documents and projects in real-time, providing seamless integration with third-party apps like Google Drive, Dropbox, and Trello.
  4. Security Features: Boardable provides secure access to documents and meetings, offering SSL encryption and two-factor authentication.
  5. Meeting Reminders: Boardable sends reminders to attendees before the meeting, minimizing the chances of missed deadlines and hindrances to productivity.


  1. Limited Mobile Accessibility: Boardable does not have a native mobile app, which may pose a problem for users who need to access meetings on the go.
  2. Lack of Customization: Boardable has few choices for customization, which could be problematic for companies with particular needs.
  3. No Video Conferencing: Boardable does not offer video conferencing capabilities, which may be a disadvantage for businesses that require live audio and video communication.
  4. Learning Curve: Boardable may require some time to get a complete hold on its features and functionality.
  5. Need for Reliable Internet: Boardable is a cloud-based platform and requires a reliable internet connection to work properly, which may be a problem in regions without stable networks.

Aprio Boardroom is a web-based platform that enables paperless board meetings for organizations. It allows board members to prepare, manage, and participate in board meetings online, without the need for any physical documents or papers.


  1. Environmentally friendly: With Aprio Boardroom, organizations can save a significant amount of paper and printing costs, which makes it environmentally friendly.
  2. Enhanced security: Aprio Boardroom provides a high level of security to protect confidential information discussed within the board meetings. The platform encrypts data and provides continuous monitoring and automatic backups.
  3. Efficient meeting management: Aprio Boardroom facilitates efficient management of board meetings by providing tools for agenda creation, document sharing, and task delegation. Board members can collaborate in real-time, share files, and track progress.
  4. Easy access: Aprio Boardroom is a web-based platform, which means that board members can access it from anywhere and at any time.


  1. Technical glitches: As with any software, there may be occasional technical glitches or issues that can disrupt the smooth running of the board meeting.
  2. Learning curve: Board members may need some time to learn how to use the platform effectively, which can create a learning curve.
  3. Internet connectivity issues: Aprio Boardroom depends on a reliable internet connection, which might be difficult in places with sluggish internet speeds or bad connectivity.
  4. Cost: There is a cost associated with using Aprio Boardroom, which may be a financial consideration for smaller organizations with limited budgets.

7. Passageways

Passageways is a paperless board meetings software that facilitates secure and efficient communication between board members and stakeholders. This platform enables board members to access and collaborate on critical board documents, create agendas and minutes, and streamline voting processes.


  1. Enhanced collaboration and communication: Passageways allows board members to share documents, make revisions, and communicate with each other in real time, fostering a collaborative environment.
  2. Increased efficiency: With the elimination of paper-based processes, board members can access documents and information quickly and easily, improving meeting efficiency.
  3. Secure and reliable: Passageways provides a high level of security and ensures the confidentiality of board documents and information.
  4. Straightforward to use: Board members can access and utilize the platform with ease thanks to the user-friendly interface and straightforward navigation.
  5. Customizable: The platform may be altered to meet the requirements of various businesses, enabling customers to modify the programme to suit their own requirements.


  1. Learning curve: Board members may need time to adjust to using a new software platform, particularly those who are less tech-savvy.
  2. Dependence on technology: Technical issues or system outages could potentially disrupt board meetings and cause delays.
  3. Cost: Passageways is a paid software which could be expensive for small organizations or non-profits.
  4. Limited functionality: Depending on the specific organization’s needs, there could be features required that are not provided by the Passageways software, hence the need to look for a separate software or plugin to fill the gaps.
  5. Dependence on internet connection: This will slow down the company’s workflow if the internet connection is down or unstable.

BoardDocs is a revolutionary paperless board meetings software that has transformed the way organizations conduct their meetings. This software is designed to help boards of directors, councils, and other governing bodies go paperless and streamline their meeting processes. With the help of a number of tools, users can easily create, publish, and distribute papers in real-time using BoardDocs.


  1. Increased Efficiency: With BoardDocs, board members can access meeting documents anytime and from anywhere, which saves time and increases efficiency.
  2. Improved Transparency: BoardDocs provides a secure platform for sharing information with all board members, which leads to improved transparency and accountability.
  3. Cost-Effective: Using BoardDocs can help organizations save money on printing, copying, and mailing paper documents.
  4. Easy to Use: Even individuals who are not tech-savvy can use BoardDocs with ease.
  5. Collaborative Platform: BoardDocs allows board members to collaborate on meeting documents, which can lead to better decision-making.


  1. Requires Internet Access: BoardDocs relies on internet access, so board members must have a reliable connection to access meeting documents.
  2. Learning Curve: Even though BoardDocs is simple to use, there is a learning curve for new users who are not accustomed to paperless meetings.
  3. Security Issues: Due to worries about cybersecurity and data breaches, some board members could be reluctant to adopt a paperless platform.
  4. Technical Issues: BoardDocs is a software solution, and like any software, it can run into technical issues that can cause delays or disruptions.
  5. Limited Accessibility: It’s possible that some board members lack access to the hardware or software needed to utilize BoardDocs.

eBoard Solutions Paperless Board Meetings Software is a cloud-based solution designed to help organizations manage their board meetings and streamline their decision-making process. This software comes with several features such as agenda management, document distribution and sharing, voting, and analytics, which help organizations to improve their collaboration and control their board meetings.


  1. Time-saving: This software helps organizations save time by reducing the amount of paperwork and manual processes required to manage board meetings.
  2. Convenience: eBoard Solutions Paperless Board Meetings Software is convenient to use and can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection, making it suitable for remote working.
  3. User-friendly: The interface is user-friendly and easy to navigate, enabling users to quickly find and access the information they need.
  4. Improved collaboration: The software facilitates improved collaboration between team members by enabling them to share and edit documents in real-time.
  5. Cost-effective: eBoard Solutions Paperless Board Meetings Software can help organizations save money by reducing the cost of printing, distributing, and storing physical documents, as well as reducing travel costs.


  1. Dependence on internet connection: As the software is cloud-based, it requires a stable internet connection to be accessible, which can be a drawback if an organization experiences connectivity issues.
  2. Security concerns: Storing sensitive information online may pose a security risk, and organizations need to ensure that their data is secure from potential breaches.
  3. Training requirements: There may be a need for training and onboarding sessions to ensure that all members are familiar with the software and can use it effectively.
  4. Compatibility issues: Compatibility issues may arise when using the software, depending on the device and operating system being used.
  5. Technical difficulties: As with any software, technical difficulties may occur, and organizations need to ensure that they have the necessary support in place to address any issues that may arise.

Directorpoint Paperless Board Meetings Software is easy to use and customizable to meet your specific needs. Users can securely access meeting materials from any device, anywhere in the world. The platform also includes features such as virtual voting, note-taking, and task management to streamline the entire process.


  1. Ease of use: Directorpoint is highly intuitive with a user-friendly interface, making it easy for board members to navigate and collaborate without intensive training.
  2. Secure and reliable: The software is highly secure, ensuring the safety of sensitive and confidential board information, with real-time updates, and backup system.
  3. Efficient meetings: Directorpoint helps streamline the board meeting process through its automated agenda, minutes, and document management features. Board members can easily access all the necessary information and updates as they prepare for a meeting.
  4. Simplifies communication: The software allows for smooth and easy communication between board members with its messaging feature. Board members can communicate without using a third-party platform.
  5. Customizable: Users can modify Directorpoint’s extensive customizability to match their own needs.


  1. Price: Directorpoint is a premium software, which can be costly for small organizations or startups.
  2. Limited features: While Directorpoint is loaded with features, some users may find certain additional features lacking.
  3. Needs training: Although the software is user-friendly, some users may require some training to operate all its features and functions.
  4. Dependency on technology: If technical difficulties arise, it can lead to delays in meeting preparation and interrupt the board meeting process.
  5. No free plan: There is no free version or trial period of the Directorpoint software, meaning users have to subscribe before they can use it.

Final Thoughts - Paperless Board Meetings Software

Paperless board meetings software is an effective way to save time, streamline communication, and reduce costs associated with traditional in-person meetings. With the rise of remote work due to the ongoing pandemic, the demand for digital communication tools has significantly increased. These top 10 software choices offer a wide variety of functions that address different business demands. As technology continues to evolve, we can expect to see further advancements in the paperless board meeting software industry in the coming years, leading to more efficient and productive meetings. Ultimately, adopting paperless board meeting software facilitates better decision-making and fosters collaboration among board members, leading to improved overall business outcomes.


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